I am Brenda Rocha, an architect with a deep passion for sustainability and design. My love for traveling, feeling the sand beneath my feet, and sleeping under the stars has shaped my vision and approach to architecture. I am a free spirit who loves to break the mold, which led me to create my own studio to challenge the traditional, rigid, and predictable architecture.
I have always desired a nomadic life that allows me to explore the world and dedicate myself to what I am most passionate about: creating unique and personalised spaces.
Brenda Rocha Studio was born in the midst of the pandemic, with the unconditional support of my loved ones and the trust of my first clients, who made this dream possible.
At Brenda Rocha Studio, I believe that design should be as personal as a tailor-made suit. Every space I create is a reflection of the lives and dreams of those who inhabit it. My mission is to make architecture a right accessible to everyone, not an exclusive luxury. I am committed to designing comfortable, efficient, and high-quality spaces.
My commitment does not stop there. I am also deeply committed to the environment. This wonderful planet provides us with everything we need in abundance, and as a designer, I have the responsibility to minimise the environmental impact and footprint left by each of my projects.
I am excited about the idea of collaborating with new clients. From the design process to the final delivery of the space, I am here to create together. If my values and approach resonate with you, do not hesitate to get in touch. It will be a great honor to work together.
" My commitment is to create integral spaces throughout a purist design process with the honest use of materials.
I believe that architecture must be ethical, organic and sustainable "